
Elson Community Library and Hub hold events open to the public for you to enjoy.

The following events are programmed for 2024 (further details, including times where they are not given below, will be available nearer the date, or ask at ECLH): 

Saturday the 3rd August: Quiz Night 7.00pm £5.00 members and £7.00 non-members bring your own refreshments. Tickets on sale now.

Saturday 17th August: Art Fair 10.00 am to 2.00pm. If any local artists which to take part please contact 

Saturday 14th September: A Murder Mystery Night,  more details to follow.

Saturday 12th October: Community Quiz night, more details to follow.

Saturday 23rd November: A Live Music Night with the “Pop Pickers “, more details to follow.

Saturday 9th November: Christmas craft fair 10.00am to 2.00pm   free entry Tea room open 

We are currently displaying art works created in Elson Park by the Community for ‘BIG GREEN WEEK 2022’.  For further information go to