Backup page

Below is the text from the ‘Home’ and ‘Events’ pages copied on Sun 26 Feb 2023 as a backup in case those texts are lost or need to be re-created:

Home page:


Elson Community Library and Hub provides a welcoming venue for community activity in Elson, promoting learning and literacy for all local residents. We opened as a community-led charity on Wednesday 12 May 2021. We are registered as a warm space for winter 2022/23.

Opening Hours in 2023:
Monday – Friday:
9:30am – 4:00pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 2:30pm
Sunday: Events or on request

Last updated 21 February 2023

Events page:


Elson Community Library and Hub hold events open to the public for you to enjoy.

The following events are programmed for 2023 (further details, including times where they are not given below, will be available nearer the date, or ask at ECLH): 

Saturday 25 February – Quiz night – 7pm to 10pm.  Including fish and chip supper. This event is sold out. Tickets were £12 for paid-up members and £14 for non-members.

Saturday 18 March – Mrs Blossom is returning for a craft morning for children when she will be making Spring Lanterns.  There will be limited spaces and booking will be required.  More details to follow.

Saturday 15th April – Easter Craft Fayre – 9.30 to 2.30.  Free entry.

Bank Holiday, Monday 8th May – Community event Coronation party 11am to 1pm

Saturday 12th August – Country and Western night with the Jo-Anne Lifford Band. “